Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a cherished British tradition celebrated on November 5th. It marks the anniversary of the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. While it's a night filled with excitement, fireworks, and bonfires, it's crucial to ensure the safety of your loved ones during the festivities.
Get our top safety tips and creative party ideas for families to make the most of this special occasion.
10 safety tips for bonfire night
Supervision is key
Always supervise children, especially near the bonfire and fireworks. Designate a responsible adult to keep an eye on them at all times.
Safe distance
Keep a safe distance from the bonfire and fireworks. A minimum of 15 meters is recommended for fireworks. Make sure there is enough space between the bonfire and the crowd.
Purchase legal fireworks
When buying fireworks, make sure they are CE marked and purchased from reputable retailers. Follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.
Pet safety
Bonfire Night can be terrifying for pets. Keep them indoors to prevent them from getting frightened and running away. You might consider calming aids for your pets if they are particularly anxious.
Fire safety
Have a bucket of water, a hose, or a fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency. Make sure that the bonfire is fully extinguished before leaving it unattended.
Protective clothing
Dress appropriately for the weather and consider wearing gloves when handling fireworks. Check everyone is wearing non-flammable clothing.
Sparkler safety
If using sparklers, always hold them at arm's length, and supervise children closely. Have a bucket of water ready to dispose of sparklers once they go out.
Eye and ear protection
Protect your eyes and ears. Have earplugs on hand, especially for young children, and wear safety glasses when lighting fireworks.
Alcohol and fireworks don't mix
Avoid consuming alcohol when dealing with fireworks or a bonfire, as it impairs judgment and reaction times.
Emergency contact
Keep a list of emergency numbers handy and ensure everyone knows where to find it.
10 family party ideas for Bonfire Night
Traditional bonfire and fireworks display
Set up a traditional bonfire in your backyard and enjoy a stunning fireworks display. Remember to follow all the safety tips mentioned earlier.
Bonfire Night picnic
Pack a picnic basket with hot soup, sandwiches, and your favourite snacks. Find a cosy spot to enjoy your meal while watching the fireworks in the distance.
Bake Bonfire Night treats
Get the kids involved in the kitchen by making Bonfire Night-themed treats like toffee apples, parkin cake, or treacle tart.
Guy Fawkes costume contest
Encourage everyone to dress up as Guy Fawkes, complete with masks and period clothing. Have a costume contest with small prizes for the winners.
Bonfire Night storytelling
Gather around the bonfire and take turns sharing ghost stories and tales of the Gunpowder Plot. This is a great way to engage both young and old.
Fireworks painting
Get creative with the kids and have them create firework-themed paintings - using crayons and painting on top is a great effect, or why not try layering up strips of tissue paper?
DIY lantern parade
Create your own lanterns and organize a lantern parade through your local area. It's a great way to get the community involved.
Themed games
Set up traditional British games like apple bobbing, ducking for apples, or a potato sack race for the kids to enjoy.
Outdoor movie night
Set up a screen outdoors and enjoy a family-friendly movie with the bonfire as a backdrop. Don't forget the popcorn!
Music and dance
Create a playlist of your favourite fire, explosion or heat related songs . Dancing around the bonfire or in your kitchen with the lights off and glow sticks at the ready, should get everyone having a good time.
Bonfire Night food ideas
Jacket potatoes
Serve piping hot jacket potatoes with a range of delicious toppings like sour cream, cheese, and chives, or firm favourites like beans and cheese.
Sausages and hotdogs
Fire up the grill and cook sausages or hotdogs for a simple and satisfying meal.
Bonfire toffee
Make your own bonfire toffee by melting sugar, butter, and syrup together. Pour it onto a tray, let it set, and then break it into pieces.
Toffee apples
Dip apples in toffee for a sweet and sticky treat. Add sprinkles or chocolate for extra flavour.
Roasted chestnuts
Set up a chestnut roasting station for a warm and nutty snack.
Parkin cake
A traditional sticky ginger cake is perfect for a chilly November evening.
Mulled wine and cider
Keep the adults warm with mulled wine or cider, complete with spices like cinnamon and cloves.
Bonfire Night can be a fun event for families, filled with excitement and the opportunity to create lasting memories. While celebrating, safety should always be a top priority. By following these safety tips, you can make sure that your Bonfire Night is not only enjoyable but also accident-free.
Additionally, by incorporating creative family party ideas and serving delicious Bonfire Night treats, you can make the celebration truly special. Whether you choose to host a traditional bonfire and fireworks display or a cosy picnic with storytelling, the key is to spend quality time with your loved ones and appreciate the historical significance of this unique holiday.
The warmth of the bonfire and the brilliance of the fireworks are best enjoyed when shared with family and friends. Stay safe and have a fantastic Bonfire Night!