It’s our second week into summer camp! With 34 camps opening this week, it’s been super busy, which is just how we like it!
It’s been the best feeling to have so many children back at our activity camps, having a summer of fun.
Whilst the weather’s been a bit more temperamental this week, it certainly hasn’t dampened our spirits and kids have loved getting active, trying new things and meeting new friends at camp.
Here’s just a snapshot of some of highlights this week:
Barnet camp has had a really exciting first week. There’s been lots of fun swimming sessions and children have been learning front crawl in our Swim School Skills Builder course.
Thomas the Gorilla visited Barracudas Barnet on Tuesday. Children were thrilled to have such a special visitor. Thomas held several sessions throughout the day. The younger groups met Thomas face to face and learned about his story. The Minnows, Rainbowfish and Stickleback loved the story and meeting Thomas.
The older children became explorers in the rainforest and overcame dangerous threats on their journey. This really encouraged children to discuss ideas and we loved to hear all their thoughts. They were able to create their own videos of themselves with Thomas, using iPads and the green screen. One child in the Barracudas group explained that 'this is one of the best activities ever'.
Thomas also visited our Watford camp on Wednesday, so he had a busy couple of days!
Barnet camp have been working on creating their own inspired 'Up' picture using the children’s hand prints. This will be proudly displayed in the registration area for all the parents and children to see!
Cambridge Long Road
It's been a great first week at Cambridge Long Road. The fencing sessions have been really popular and one of the first thing all the children talk to their parents about at collection time.
The waterpark and motorsports have also featured highly on all children's favourite activities of the week. They've really embraced the fun at camp and are loving the range of activities and lots of new friendships are being formed at camp already.
Harlow camp has been working hard on the Superheroes and Villain's theme this week. The whole camp has got involved designing their own superheroes and making capes and masks. They have also been making Billy a superhero costume to wear. Lucky Billy!
Special mention goes out to Harlow camp’s Stars of the week; Sofia in Minnows, Maxwell in Dolphins, Mia in Piranhas, Josh in Stingrays and Kieron in Barracudas: Kieron.
We were also thrilled that Harlow camp was the first camp to get a 5 star Trustpilot review this summer. We love to hear that we’ve done what we set out to do, giving children an amazing experience in the school holidays:
“Returning family and even better than last time. Both my daughter and son have been at Barracudas Harlow all week! The smile on their faces when I pick them up is ear to ear! Honestly they have loved it. Met new friends and taken part in new activities. Ex. Fencing and hockey. This is our second time this year and we hope to be back again soon.” Katy
Channel 5 visited our Hayes camp on Thursday. They are investigating the government statistics which indicate children are less active and have lost confidence since the pandemic. They visited us to see how camps boost children’s mental and physical wellbeing. We look forward to seeing the report!
This week Godalming camp had some amazing science activities including creating 'the biggest bubbles we've ever seen'. The Barracudas group have had a whale of a time in their swimming sessions, making some fun shapes with their splashes, doing some water polo games and generally having fun. Loads of fun was had with the Dolphin group when they took part in a large game of uni hoc.
Godalming Arts and Crafts Leader has been busy creating a large piece of artwork to be displayed around camp and the children are excited to see this when it goes up!!
Camp competition winner
Barnet camp has won this weeks ‘Arty Party’ competition. We invited our camps to share their creative masterpieces and were blown away by the talent at all of our camps. There can be only one winner though, so congratulations, Barnet!
Photo of the day/week
We love seeing what all the children are up to at camp. Each week we choose our favourite picture from camp summing up the summer of FUN. This week Woking camp has won top spot with this lovely image of children in a motor sports session.
What a great start to camp so far! We're looking forward to even more fun next week.
We look forward to enjoying a summer of FUN with your child this holiday! If you’ve not yet booked, limited places are still available to book online. Find your nearest camp to check availability.